
Jan 20, 2012

The Big 3-0

photo credit to:

           Exactly one week from now I’ll mark my (err ! )  30th birthday..Oh my…why does time flies so fast? I can still vividly remember when I celebrated my simple 18th birthday with my family and high school friends and now I’m going on 30?

          When I was 16, I was so eager to grow up and see the world. But now that I’m old enough, oh how I wish I am young again, carefree and full of boundless dreams.

              Enough of my wishful thinking. They say 30th birthday is a milestone worth celebrating just like 1st, 7th and 18th birthday. I think it makes sense ( because I don’t want to celebrate 35, 40, 50, I will stick with 30! ) because it is the point when we should embrace being full- grown matured individual.

            How I wish I could spend my birthday with my hubby but he couldn’t make it since his expected sign-off from ship was cancelled (thus my backpacking trip is also cancelled). Three days after our wedding, he left for work and until now he has not come home yet. Sad as it may be, I think I should get used to this kind of situation.

            So how will I celebrate my big 3-0? I am not into grand celebration because I don’t have the means and I think it is impractical for me. So I will modestly celebrate it with my family and some friends over dinner. The dinner will be on the next day which is Saturday to ensure my working friends (most of them are teachers) are available. It will also be a sort of get-together or reunion for us since we rarely see each other nowadays.

            How about you, how will you celebrate a milestone in your life?



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